Dr. Nicolas Dawson’s path to family medicine helps him put patients’ values first
Dr. Nicolas Dawson remembers growing up with a primary care doctor who was always compassionate and considerate in how he cared for patients.
“He was just always willing to sit down, talk, listen and take time to really try and figure out what was going on,” Dr. Dawson said, describing the reason he began to develop his own passion for family medicine.
Dr. Dawson is now a physician with Medical Group of the Carolinas – Family Medicine – Landrum and is accepting new patients.
Full circle
After medical school, Dr. Dawson became a resident with Spartanburg Regional Healthcare System’s Family Medicine Residency Program.
Dr. Dawson grew up in Spartanburg, and his full circle moment came when that same primary care doctor – Dr. Mark Godenick – who inspired him to pursue a career in medicine was one of his teaching physicians in the residency program.
“The residency program was one where all the residents were there for each other, and if we had a bad day, someone else was there to help lift you back up,” Dr. Dawson said.
The program equipped him with the skills to develop a well-rounded care plan for patients, particularly in a rural medicine environment.
“In rural populations, there seems to be more loyalty with family doctors, and they really care about what you have to say,” Dr. Dawson said. “I am more drawn to rural family medicine because you can do a lot of different things. We are taking care of pregnant patients, kids, adults, seniors, just the scope of it is so vast.”
Not a one-way street
Dr. Dawson’s approach to patient care is being a good listener and noticing things like a patient’s values and desired lifestyles. He particularly enjoys working with pediatrics and mental health issues.
“I try to make sure it is not just a one-way street. I am the one that is listening and trying to get a better sense of who you are, and your values, and then I want to work that into your type of treatment,” Dr. Dawson said.
Treating someone’s illness often requires looking beyond the specific condition and seeing what other factors are playing a role in their symptoms, he said.
Following grandma’s recipes
When not seeing patients, Dr. Dawson enjoys cooking and crocheting, both skills that were passed down to him from his grandma.
Dr. Dawson’s mother’s family is Hispanic, so he grew up around Mexican foods, which is what he loves to cook now. Tamales are his favorite thing to make, he said, because of their flavor and complexity and how the process is quite labor intensive.
Crocheting is another fulfilling pastime for him that requires patience and a lot of practice.
“My grandma taught me that, so I started simple with small things, and then I was able to make little stuffed animals with my cousins,” Dr. Dawson said. “It’s a nice way to relax and unwind.”
To make an appointment with Dr. Dawson, call Medical Group of the Carolinas – Family Medicine – Landrum at 864-457-3838.