National project sets Beaumont Mill aglow
A national art project is lighting up Spartanburg, and Spartanburg Regional Healthcare System is ready to shine.
Through the Bloomberg Philanthropies Public Art Challenge, the project “Seeing Spartanburg in a New Light” is bringing nine temporary art installations to Spartanburg. The goal of the public art is to celebrate creativity, enhance urban identity, encourage public-private partnerships, and drive economic development.
One of the nine public art pieces will be installed at the former Beaumont Mill, which now houses more than 600 Spartanburg Regional Healthcare System non-clinical associates.
The exhibit is called “Glow” and will bathe Beaumont's smokestack in light. The smokestack will be illuminated from the ground with multiple programmable, LED floodlights. Different synchronized color sequences will light up the smokestack every night from October 2016 through April 2017.
“Spartanburg Regional Healthcare System is honored to host the art installation ‘Glow' as part of Seeing Spartanburg in a New Light,” said Mark Aycock, Chief Operating Officer of Spartanburg Regional Healthcare System. “Partnering with this public art project is emblematic of the healthcare system's bond with the community and its continued commitment to finding innovative ways to improve the well-being and lives of residents.”
Seeing Spartanburg in a New Light is being held in affiliation with National Night Out, celebrated on Oct. 4, 2016. The project is using a collaborative, neighborhood-based art-making process to enhance community policing and public safety efforts aligned with the annual National Night Out program.
About the Public Art Challenge & Bloomberg Philanthropies
The City of Spartanburg was selected in 2015 as one of four temporary public art projects from across the United States to receive a grant award from the first-ever Bloomberg Philanthropies Public Art Challenge. Other winning cities are Gary, IN, and Los Angeles, CA. Full information on all projects can be found at publicartchallenge.bloomberg.org.
Bloomberg Philanthropies works in more than 120 countries around the world to ensure better, longer lives for the greatest number of people. The organization focuses on five key areas for creating lasting change: Arts, Education, Environment, Government Innovation and Public Health. Bloomberg Philanthropies encompasses all of Michael R. Bloomberg's charitable activities, including his foundation and his personal giving. In 2015, Bloomberg Philanthropies distributed over half a billion dollars. For more information, please visit bloomberg.org