“The way seniors should be treated”
With Spartanburg County’s senior centers closed during the COVID-19 pandemic, Bobbie Jean Tucker has been happy when Tuesdays come around. That’s when volunteers coordinated by Spartanburg Regional Foundation deliver meals to her home in Landrum.
The Foundation coordinated the delivery of meals to 170 seniors across Spartanburg County while the centers have been closed. More than 24,000 meals have been delivered to seniors since March.
Tucker appreciates the six meals that arrive each week.
“They’re very helpful and nutritious,” she said.
She’s also glad to see a smiling face and to enjoy a little conversation – outside and at a safe distance.
“It’s good when people come by,” she said. “They stay at a distance, but I look forward to seeing them.”
There are eight senior centers throughout Spartanburg County. They serve participants in the communities of Landrum, Chesnee, Cowpens, Woodruff, Middle Tyger, Pacolet, Boiling Springs and Spartanburg.
The Foundation and Spartanburg County Parks and Recreation partner to support programs, activities and meals at the senior centers, with funding assistance from the Appalachian Council of Governments.
“Many of our participants depend on the meals they receive at the sites, so we’ve worked to continue to serve those seniors in need,” said Foundation Senior Director of Operations Amie Busbee.
Volunteers have delivered the meals, prepared by Senior Catering and Cribbs Catering. Boiling Springs First Baptist Church opened its doors as a meeting point for the volunteers. Foundation Senior Services Coordinator Shelby Ward and church members organized the meals for delivery.
In addition to the meals, Ward and Spartanburg County Parks and Recreation staff members sent items to facilitate mental and physical activity, like crossword puzzles, ideas for light exercise, and gardening starter kits.
“We’ve tried to think of things to keep them moving,” Ward said.
Tucker and other seniors are looking forward to the chance to be together again at the centers. Until then, they’re grateful for the ongoing efforts to provide nourishment, enrichment and attention.
“We love this program – they treat us the way seniors should be treated,” she said.