Woodruff police walk for cancer
Watch as the Woodruff Law Dawgs complete their 18-mile trek and are greeted by a thankful staff at Gibbs Cancer Center & Research Institute.
The Woodruff Police Department “Law Dawgs” walked 18 miles in March to raise money to the Gibbs Cancer Center & Research Institute. Sgt. Darrell Dawkins presented $1,400 to Gibbs for the cancer special needs fund.
“The cancer special needs fund was created for patients that have needs beyond cancer care. It helps with transportation issues, it helps with housing issues, and eliminates barriers to treatment for all cancer patients,” said Staci Roberts, community outreach program manager. “They may have issues with rent, they may have issues paying their power bills because of the extensive treatment bills, and so it helps fund needs that they may have beyond their cancer care.”
The Law Dawgs started early, and ended their walk around 3 p.m. They were greeted by Gibbs Cancer Center & Research staff members and physicians, who cheered and handed out bottles of water as the exhausted walkers approached.